브릿센트 관련 글은 아래에서 더 참고해주세요
[영어공부 혼자하기][추천 팟캐스트] 4탄 : 브릿센트
난이도 : 3or4 /5 브릿센트는 네이버 팟캐스트,유투브에서 들으실 수 있어요 으 말해뭐해 정말 너무너무 추천하는 팟캐스트이다 그동안 우리는 미국영어만 배워온지라 내가 처음 영국영어를 제대
Sit back
Sit back and relax
=to relax =take it easy
ex) I'm just gonna sit back and read a book for a while.
Space out
=to let your mind relax and not think about anything
ex)I like to space out and listen to music when I'm feeling stressed.
ex)Nothing much , i just spaced out in front of TV
=to relax, let go of any tension or stress.
ex)It's good to unwind on the sofa after a long day of work.
ex)You look horrible, you need to go home and unwind.
have/take a breather
=Short break or pause to catch your breath often : 숨돌리기위해 짧은 휴식 시간 갖거나 일을 잠깐 멈추는
ex)Let's have breather and grab a drink before the meeting.
ex)I'm just going for a walk, i need a bit of breather.
clock off
=to finish work for he day and go home
ex)I'm so glad it's time to clock off and relax for the evening.
ex)I've been writing my essay all day but i'm clocking off now.
Give up
1.To stop trying
ex) I can't do this anymore
ex) The game was too hard so I gave up halfway through.
2.To stop doing something you normally do
ex) I gave up smoking after 4 years.
ex) I used to go the gym but i gave up in winter
3.To allow someone to take something that belongs to you or that you were using.
ex) I gave up my seat for a pregnant lady on the bus.
ex) She gave up half of her sandwich so her classmate didn't go hungry.
4.To use your time for one activity instead of another when it feels like a sacrifice.
ex) I had to give up my weekend to finish my essay
ex) She gave up her lunch break to help me.
Give up on
1.abandon something or someone after several attempts with no success.
ex)She gave up on her dream of becoming an actress.
ex)I gave up on getting tickets after waiting in the queue for 5 hours!
*그래서 담배끊었다는 바꿀수없지만 헬스장가는건 interchangeable
Give in
1.To admit defeat and stop fighting someone / you accept you can't win.
ex)I'll give in. I'll do whatever you want! Just stop nagging me!
ex)After months of begging, his parents gave in.
2.You can no longer control the feeling of wanting it./addictions and strong desires
ex)I couldn't stick to my diet. I gave in and ate a pack of biscuits.
ex)After weeks of browsing, I gave in and splurged on a designer bag
3.To hand in some work = give in
ex)Please give in all coursework by the end of the month.
ex)I've filled out the form. Who do i give it in to?
= returning the topic that has been previously mentioned.
/ somebody asked you a question earlier but the conversation have moved on.
A : Do you exercise much or are you too busy with work these days?
B : I barely have enough time to do anything. But About exercise i do try to go to gym once a week.
when it comes to : specify the topic you're talking about
ex)You like thrillers? What is your favorite genre when it comes to music? : 질문반복시
In terms of : 새로운 주제소개/관심돌릴때 (=when it comes to) // How do we view and think about something.
ex)In terms of food, What are your favorites?
ex)We need to consider the flight in terms of the flight tiem, not just the cost.
-wise :
-Regarding : (formal) 회사혹은 글에서 / often follwed up the previous topic of conversation. (=about)
ex) Regarding that thing you said earlier, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
ex) Do you have any more suggestions regarding the company event next week?
'영어공부 같이해요! - 주7일 도전 > 브릿센트 Britcent' 카테고리의 다른 글
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