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[영어공부 혼자하기][추천 팟캐스트] 4탄 : 브릿센트
난이도 : 3or4 /5 브릿센트는 네이버 팟캐스트,유투브에서 들으실 수 있어요 으 말해뭐해 정말 너무너무 추천하는 팟캐스트이다 그동안 우리는 미국영어만 배워온지라 내가 처음 영국영어를 제대
-Sunny like my disposition :
the particular type of character that a person naturally has:타고난 기질.
ex) She is of a nervous/cheerful/sunny disposition.
-I literally bounce into clsses when it's sunny. I rock up just brimming with joy. :
bounce someone into something
to force someone to do something that they do not want to do, usually relating to politics:
rock up
형용사 넘쳐흐르는, 가득 차게 부은
-indoorsy person : 내부활동좋아하는
outdoorsy <-> indoorsy
(of a person) enjoying spending time outdoors, especially doing activities like walking and cycling:
-I've been brushing up on my Italian : 다시 이태리어 공부하고있어.
brush up (on) something
to improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten:
ex) I thought I'd brush up (on) my French before going to Paris.
-living abroad it's solo expedition
an organized journey for a particular purpose: 약간 탐험? 같은 느낌의 단어.
ex) go on an expedition We're going on a shopping expedition on Saturday.
trip / journey / tour / expedition / excursion / outing / day out
a business trip
a five-minute trip by taxi
택시로 5분 걸리는 거리
a long and difficult journey across the mountains
그 산맥을 넘는, 멀고 힘든 여정
a trip to New York
뉴욕 여행
a round-the-world trip
세계 일주 (여행).
(英) What is your journey to work like?
당신의 출근길은 어떤가요?
a tour of Bavaria
바바리아 여행[관광]
the first expedition to the South Pole
최초의 남극 탐험
We went on an all-day excursion to the island.
우리는 그 섬으로 일일 여행을 갔다.
The children were on a day’s outing from school.
아이들은 학교에서 하는 일일 견학 중이었다.
We had a day out at the beach.
우리는 해변으로 일일 여행을 갔다.
문형 / 함께 쓰이는 말
to go on a(n) trip / journey / tour / expedition / excursion / outing / day out
여행을 가다
to set out / off on a(n) trip / journey / tour / expedition / excursion
여행을 떠나다[출발하다]
to make a(n) trip / journey / tour / expedition / excursion
여행을 하다
to be away on a(n) trip / journey / tour / expedition
여행을 떠났다(떠나고 지금 여기 없다)
the outward / return / homeward trip / journey
떠나는 / 돌아오는 / 집으로 돌아가는[돌아오는] 여행길
a(n) foreign / overseas / round-the-world trip / journey / tour / expedition
외국 / 해외 / 세계 일주 여행
a bus / coach trip / journey / tour / excursion
버스 여행
a train / rail trip / journey / tour / excursion
기차 여행
-you don't have dependents : 의존할게 없잖아 (애가있는것도아니고)
-odd job : 잡다한일,임시적인
-It was great opportunity to be really introspective and decide what was right for me.
examining and considering your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings, instead of talking to other people about them:
-It's attributed to
VERB [ əˈtrɪbjuːt ]
attribute to
to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing: ~때문이다,~덕분이다.
ex) Her success can be attributed to three main factors.
-Sounds like it would be quite wearing :
making you feel tired or annoyed:
-Even in other English speaking countries, the cultural differences are quite stark.: 문화차이를 피할수없다.
ADJECTIVE (불쾌하지만 피할 수 없는) 냉혹한[엄연한] (=bleak)
-I was away from everyone, i was able to sort of get into the headspace with something i wanted to do.
get into the headspace
-I have a lot trying me down : 나를 구속하는게 많아.
-I don't have the travel bug like i used to. It's like my priorities have just shifted a bit.
: 우선순위가 좀 바꼈어.
-uproot my life and start again : 내 인생을 뿌리채 뽑아서 다시시작한다.
-I hope this weather holds up for all your future camping endeavours. :
US∙GB [ ɪnˈdevə(r) ] 인데~버
- 1.Noun formal (특히 새롭거나 힘든 일을 하려는) 노력[시도]
- 2.Verb formal 힘껏 노력하다, 분투하다 (=strive)
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