브릿센트 관련 글은 아래에서 더 참고해주세요
[영어공부 혼자하기][추천 팟캐스트] 4탄 : 브릿센트
난이도 : 3or4 /5 브릿센트는 네이버 팟캐스트,유투브에서 들으실 수 있어요 으 말해뭐해 정말 너무너무 추천하는 팟캐스트이다 그동안 우리는 미국영어만 배워온지라 내가 처음 영국영어를 제대
-Who want to start off, get the ball rolling : 누가먼저 시작할래, 누가먼저 주사위던질래?
-Hitchhike : ask for lift
Noun 英 (차 등을) 태워 주기[얻어 타기]
-I'm throwing you in at the deep end. : 궁지로몰다. 곤란하게 만들다.
*Jump/Plunge in at the deep end. : (자기의지로) 무모하게 어려운 일에 뛰어들었다는 느낌이 강함
Junior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs : 첫 직장으로 내몰리고있다.
There's no eed to plunge in at the deep end : 어려운 일부터 시작할 필요 없어.
-I was starstruck by that :
Star struck
*amazed by person.
-I spotted him : 그를 발견했다.
3.Verb 발견하다, 찾다, 알아채다(특히 갑자기 또는 쉽지 않은 상황에서 그렇게 함을 나타냄)
to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard:
-She's tough cookie : 강인한여자야.
a person who is able to deal with difficult situations and not be easily defeated, frightened, or upset:
-graceful :
- 2.ADJECTIVE (특히 곤란한 상황에서) 품위를 지키는
His father had always taught him to be graceful in defeat.
패했을 때도 품위를 지키라고 그의 아버지가 그에게 항상 가르쳤다.
-I ended up dozing off on the way and just ending up at the end of the line : 깜빡졸다가 종점까지 갔어
-I don't know why we put ourselves through it : 왜 우리자신을 힘들게하는지 모르겠어.
- ~를 애먹이다[골치 아프게 하다]
그들이 면접 때 정말 애를 많이 먹이더군.
-The only thing i could think of is
-I'm a little bit squeamish about certain types of food : 비위가 약해.
easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of:
*gory movie :
- 1.ADJECTIVE informal 유혈의, 유혈과 폭력이 난무하는
- 2.ADJECTIVE 문예체 피투성이의 (=bloodstained)
-something is getting squashed or you wince
Verb (통증·당혹감으로 얼굴 표정이) 움찔하고 놀라다[움찔하다]
:눈/얼굴을 찡그리다[찌푸리다]
Q.If you saw a famous person, would you ask them to take a selfie with you?
A.If that was to happen, i would be so starstruck that probably i would just freeze or stare.
-Ryanair is a very budget airline : 저가의 항공사잖아.
Q. What would you do if you were stranded on a desert island all on your own?
The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.
파업으로 수백 명의 관광객들이 공항에서 발이 묶였다.
*=stuck somewhere
(all) on my own.
제 힘으로 할 수 있습니다
-I just want to splurge on random stuff :
돈을 물쓰듯쓰다.
US [ splɜːrdʒ ]
- 1.ADJECTIVE 보통 못마땅함 (자기) 하고 싶은 대로 다 하게 놔두는 (→self-indulgent)
- 2.ADJECTIVE (남의 결점에) 너그러운[관대한] (=patient)
given special treatment that makes you feel as comfortable as possible or gives you whatever you want:
ex)We left the spa feeling pampered and relaxed.
ex)pampered child : 애지중지 키운아이.
ex)I hope you're being pampered today. :(생일날에)
-I'd take something a bit more sentimental as well. i do have a memory box : 좀 센티멘탈한것도 챙길
A sentimental person is strongly influenced by emotional feelings, especially about happy memories of past events or relationships with other people, rather than by careful thought and judgment based on facts:
-copycat :따라쟁이
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