브릿센트 관련 글은 아래에서 더 참고해주세요
-I've been sweltering in this lovely heat. : 더위에 시달리고 있어.
adj)extremely and uncomfortably hot:
ex)sweltering heat : 숨막히는 더위
v) 무더위에 시달리다.
-sunburned : 햇볕에 심하게탄 / 보기좋게 탄
- she used to purposefully make her skin white with powder to show that she didn't have to work in the garden.
: 고의적으로
in a way that shows that you know what you want to do:
-dress modestly : 옷을 단정하게 입다.
personality -> humble의 의미
clothes -> shy about showing much of your body
She was wearing a modest black dress to the funeral
It's importatant to dress modestly when attending a business event.
-muted colours : 차분한 색
-muted shades : 차분한 음영
ex) The rooms are decorated in muted colours
She wore a dress in muted shades blue
-monochrome : 흑백의/단색
-plunging neckline : 깊게파인 넥라인
ADJECTIVE (앞부분이 V자형으로) 깊이 패인
-scantily dressed : 몸을 거의 다드러내게 입다.
ex) Scantily clad : 제대로 옷 안입은
Scantily clothed
*clothed : ADJECTIVE (…을) 입은
ex) In the summer, you'll see lots of scantily clad people sunbathing in the parks.
-Nobody bats an eyelid : 고개하나 까딱하지않는다 (공원에서 비키니 입어도)
-spruce yourself up : 좀더 꾸미고 싶어.
US∙GB [ spruːs ] 스프루~스
spruce someone/something up
to make someone or something cleaner and tidier or to improve his, her, or its appearance generally:
ex)They've employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company image.
-I would look so washed out / It washes you out : 혈색이 없어보일꺼야(겨울에 햇빛못보는데 베이지 색입으면)
-It's cluttered or messy : 어질러지고 지저분한
cluttered : 어수선한 <->uncluttered
-Done and dusted : 완전히 끝났어.
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