브릿센트 관련 글은 아래에서 더 참고해주세요
-Taking a toll : 손상을 입히다.
ex)The constant stress takes its toll on emergency room workers.
-Remind me where you are again in the States : 미국어디에 있는지 다시 말해주라
-so way up here, it's cold, it is snowy : 위쪽 지역이다 보니.
-I think it's too warm to properly settle : 너무 따듯해서 눈이 쌓이지 않는것 같아요.
-It's like choking hazard : 질식의 위험이 있으니까요.
-Americans are known for lawsuits. like filing lawsuits over anything in order to try and get money from coporations : 미국은 소송의 문화가 있잖아요. 별것도 아닌일에 소송걸어서 기업으로 부터 돈 받으려고.
-file the lawsuit : 소송을 제기하다/고소하다
-You can't have chocolate encasing something that isn't edible : 식용 아닌 것을 초콜릿에 넣어서 만들지 못해요/
to cover or surround something or someone completely:
-that's we draw the line : 그런건 용납못해.
-It's added to the list as we speak : 이야기할때 추가됬어요.
-Jaywalking : 무단횡단
-walkable communities : 돌아다닐수있는 장소(약간 대학가나 홍대같은 그런 길거리)
-then cars are--they're supposed to yield everywhere for students or for pedestrians : 양보해야해요.
1.(수익결과농작물 등을) 내다[산출/생산하다]
2.항복,굴복하다(=give way)
I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.
나는 유혹에 굴복하여[넘어가서] 초콜릿 바를 하나 먹었다.
-UK is the most lenient as far as my experience : 이 부분에서는 관대한것같아
not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be expected:
-If nobody else was around I would never do that unless i saw a local do it first : 현지인이 하는걸 보지않는이상 안할
-community standard : 사회규범.
-I've heard in ~: 나 들었어
-Indigenous land : 토종지역.
2)used to refer to, or relating to, the people who originally lived in a place, rather than people who moved there from somewhere else :
3)used to refer to plants and animals that grow or live naturally in a place, and have not been brought there from somewhere else:
-meet the age requirement : 나이제한에 맞아야한다.
-If you had a chance to go while you're in London : 런던에 있을때 와봤을지는 모르겠지만
-It never occured to me : 그럴꺼라는 생각을 아예 못했어.
-It leads to many other issues, which we don't need to get into. : 우리는 생각안해도되는 문제들이 미국에선 발생하는것같아.
-This is anecdotal : 입증되지않은,카더라이지만
-There's a lot more people who smoke cigarettes in the UK publicly than US : 대놓고 흡연하는사람이 영국에 더 많다.
If something is done publicly, it is done so that everyone can know about it:
-you would think that people would be deterred by cigarette package : 담배패키지로 단념시키/그만하게되는지.
-It just doesn't faze anyone : 딱히 흡연자들에게 동요되는것 같진 않지만..
-Math ain't mathin : 말이안된다.
-recreationally regal : 기분전환용/재미로 합법이다.
-Dispensary :
- 1.Noun (약품) 조제실
- 2.Noun 구식 (특히 자선 단체가 운영하는) 진료소
-Not that i know of : 내가 알기론
-There are so many legal implications for getting caught with it : 적발될 경우 법적으로 문제가 많기 때문일거야.
-I was thinking of "it's three letters. It's not coming to me" : 세글자였는데 도저히 기억이안나.
-There's so many shops popped up everywhere : 많은 상점이 생겼다.
-we can't legalise it now and not pardon or try to : 사면하거나 당장 합법화할수도없다.
-puritan : 청교도적인
-prohibition : 금지령
-Every state is able to make their own rules as they see fit : 그들이 보기에 적합하다 생각하는대로 규정을 만들수있어.
-The biggest takeaway from today's episode : 오늘의 에피소드에서 가장 크게 배운점은
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