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[영어공부 혼자하기][추천 팟캐스트] 4탄 : 브릿센트
난이도 : 3or4 /5 브릿센트는 네이버 팟캐스트,유투브에서 들으실 수 있어요 으 말해뭐해 정말 너무너무 추천하는 팟캐스트이다 그동안 우리는 미국영어만 배워온지라 내가 처음 영국영어를 제대
Have you done any lockdown allowable acivies yet? : 허용되는 봉쇄 허용활동한거 있어?
carpet dogs : 털많은 강아지들
I'm scared of flying. I'm gonna fly a plane : 비행이 무서우니까 비행기를타야지하는..
That's what i've been like fantasising about recently. : 최근 포그투갈 망상을 많이했어
Recently, i've grown to like doing things on my own more than doing things with bad company : 싫은사람이랑 같이있는것보다 혼자있는것을 좋아하게되었어.
A-level friends : 진짜 친한친구
partty friends are so fun, but also not really have a place in lockdown unles they double up as another kind of friend.
: 그렇지만 다른것도 같이 하는 친구가 아니라면 볼 여지가 없어.
double (up) as something
Quality me time : 혼자서하는 소중한 시간
If you're always around other people, you kind of amalgamate your personality with theirs.: 다른 사람과 늘 함께 하다 보면 상대방의 성격을 닮게되잖아. 상대방에 성격에 맞춰주게 되잖아.
- 1.Verb 합병[연합]하다[시키다] (=merge)
- 2.Verb 합치다 (=merge)
It's also impractical to be around people all the time : 비현실적이야 매번 남들과 같이 있는건
Active effort : 자발적인 노력
Spend time on your own until you would rather be with yourself than with your friends, because that's the only way to live your life : 혼자 지내봐, 그게 네 인생을 사는 유일한 길이야.
pragmatically : 실용적인 측면에서만봐도.
solving problems in a sensible way that suits the conditions that really exist now, rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules:
It just is up to personal preference after that : 그외에는 그냥 개인 성향차인것같아.
On balance, it makes sense : 모든것을 감안할때 이치에 맞는것같다.
after considering the power or influence of both sides of a question:
Q.Do you think there are any drawbacks of being alone? : 단점도 있다고 생각하니?
A.Maybe overthink stuff and draw conclusions that become quite illogical because you spent so long thinking about them.
: 터무니없는 결론을 내릴수도있어 너무 나의 생각안에 갇혀있어서.
Rumination's quite dangerous : 성찰은 간혹 위험하지.
- 2.Noun 심사 숙고
- 3.Noun [종종 pl.] 숙고의 결과
- the act of thinking carefully and for a long period about something
and more easy to do if you've not got other people distracting you with all of their thoughts and opinions and just general being.
: 그걸 제지해주는 타인의 생각이나 의견,생각에서 벗어나게 해줄 누군가가 곁에 없다면 헤어나오기 힘들어.
You don't have anyone to kind of act as a sounding board for your thoughts cause there's no one around you to be like You're being irrational, or 'You're being logical : 의견을 물어볼 사람도없겠죠. 내 생각이 합리적인지 틀리진않은지 알려줄 사람이 곁에 없으니까.
- Noun (아이디어·결정 등에 대한) 반응 테스트의 대상이 되는 사람[그룹]
Whic can be quite destructive : 상당히 자기 파괴적일 수 있어.
Also, we are inherently social beings : 우리는 본질적으로 사회적인 존재기에
We're Pack animal : 무리지어다니는 동물
People worrying about the knock-on effects of us having to spend this much time on our own, in the long run. : 장기적측면에서 어떤 연쇄작용을 낳을지 우려되는거죠.
- 부수적인 효과, 파급 효과.
- ADJECTIVE 특히 英 연쇄 반응을 일으키는, 연쇄적인
- Noun 비격식 못마땅함 책임 회피, 변명
a way of avoiding doing something difficult or unpleasant that you should do, or the excuse that you use to do this:
It sounds like it is a bit of a cop out.
그건 약간 책임회피 처럼 들린다.
Why do you always cop out at the last minute?
왜 넌 항상 마지막 순간에 꽁무니를 빼니?
It's absolutely going somewhere on my own and just having totle autonomy over what i do,when i do it.: 전적으로 제가 결정하는거니까 (솔로트래블)
- 1.Noun 자치권 (=independence)
- 2.Noun 자주성, 자율성
I'm quite into my closely-bonded relationships : 가까운 사이가 편해.
And i don't mind compromising, I quite enjoy compromising : 양보하는것도 괜찮아 사실 좋아.
someone to share the responsibility and the stress with when everything goes wrong : 상황 안좋을때 스트레스 함께 나눌수도 있고.
my mind is preoccupied so i'm not bored : 집중하느라 지루할 틈이없어.
ADJECTIVE (어떤 생각·걱정에) 사로잡힌[정신이 팔린]
You timed it? : 그걸 셌어요?
Billy no mates : someone who has few or no friends
ex)I feel like a bit of a billy no mates in lockdown
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