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[영어공부 혼자하기][추천 팟캐스트] 4탄 : 브릿센트
난이도 : 3or4 /5 브릿센트는 네이버 팟캐스트,유투브에서 들으실 수 있어요 으 말해뭐해 정말 너무너무 추천하는 팟캐스트이다 그동안 우리는 미국영어만 배워온지라 내가 처음 영국영어를 제대
-Is there anything you have noticed?
-they have colleagues that are no pulling their weight : 자기할일을 안한다.
pulling their weight
: to work as hard as other people in a group:
ex)You teach them the ropes, and just when you think they may be ready to pull their own weight, they quit.
가르쳐서 겨우 일할 만하다 싶으면 그만두어 버린다
-learning the ropes : 요령을 배우는거지.
*the ropes
: 요령
ex)I learned the ropes.:전 (일의) 요령을 터득했어요.
I'm learning the ropes : 배우는중이야.
*the word comes from sailling, when you sail a bot, there's loads of ropes that you need to learn how to use.
-They feel like they have to pick up the slack a little bit and they don't know how to address that to their boss :
pick up the slack
:to work harder when somebody isn't working as much as they should be.
-it's encouraged to say something about it rather than bottling it up :
bottle something up
- (감정을 드러내지 않고) 억누르다[묻어 두다]
-They have their ear to the ground :
- 사태[동향] 파악을 게을리하지 않다
- to pay attention to everything that is happening around you and to what people are saying
ex)His boss told him to keep his ear to the ground so that he'd be the first to know of a new idea.
그의 상사는 그가 새로운 아이디어를 제일 먼저 알아낼 수 있도록 신중하게 귀를 기울이라고 말했다.
-Voice your opinion :솔직하게 털어놓고 말하다.
: you're able to express how you feel, openly, to whoever it is.
<-> bottle things up.
-I planned to just chill out on the sofa, but ended up doing loads of errands
-I'm getting back in the gym and getting into shape : 몸을만들다.
-Some people are naturally belssed in that way. but in order to keep in shape, i have to exercise
-I have quite high metabolism. I'd prefer to be a bit more toned now than i am.
: 신진대사가 빨라.
v.(근육피부를) 탄력 있게[탄탄하게] 만들다
Massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin.
마사지는 턱 밑의 늘어진 피부를 탄력 있게 만드는 데 도움이 된다.
-start the routine, keep postponing. And then when i finally do it, i feel like i've been given a new lease of life
take a new[fresh] lease of life
lease of life
(병이 완쾌하여) 목숨을 건지다, 수명이 연장되다.
-호불호갈려 : it's really polarizing.
to cause something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, to divide into two completely opposing groups:
-people more conscious of being fit and staying trim : 몸매를 유지하다.
staying trim
몸매를 날씬하게 유지하려고 노력하고 있어.
이렇게 높아진 신진대사율은 초과된 칼로리를 태우는데 도와줄 것이고 당신의 몸매는 다듬어 지고 알맞게 될 것이다.
-I love playing football, I can really keep my cardio going all for hours if i'm chasing a football.
physical exercise that increases the rate at which your heart works:
hiking, jogging, cycling, rowing, running, and elliptical training.
-I do like a really streuous workout :
-warmimng up is key, giving yourself time to cool down : 진정시키기
-pull a muscle
- 근육이 결리다
spot someone
-gym bunny : people who obsessed with fitness
put someone on the spot
Verb 누군가를 난처하게 하다, 누군가를 곤란한 상황에 빠지게 하다
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