영어공부 같이해요! - 주7일 도전/라이브 아카데미

대화가이드#01~#05 간접화법/전화영어/저런사람처음봐/~하는김에,이왕하는거/부탁

suzevii 2023. 10. 5. 18:33


be + thinking +of(about) +ing

-I'm thinking of going out for some lunch.

-I'm thinking of traveling overseas during my winter vacation.


*go out for a walk

go out for a drive

go out for dinner

**step out

ex)I'm thinking about stepping outside for some fresh air.



-Could you wait for me a little bit? like 5 minutes? 좀 기다려줄래?

*Just 5 minutes

*It'll take (only)(about) 5/10 minutes

**It won't take more than 5/10 minutes.



-Alright, I'll be downstair./I'll be in my car/I'll be right outside



-I'll be there as soon as i can : 빨리 갈게

*do(try) my best +

**I'll do what i can +




-That's ok. Take your time : 천천히해~








-She said she was on her way to go to lunch, She asked me if I wanted to come along

: 같이 가고 싶냐고 물었어.


-I said i was middle of something right now. and i asked her if she could wait for me a little bit.


- She said she would be downstaris

: ~하겠다고 (말)했다.


-i said(told her) i would be there as soon as i could.



-She said(told me) i didn't need to hurry.








-What did you do on the weekend?

=How was your weekend? + Did you do something?



-Not much, you?


-Didn't you say you were gonna get a new phone? : 너 핸드폰 바꾼다고 하지 않았어?

*새로운걸 들여오는건 : get


*DIdn't i say i was gonna be here? : 내가 여기 온다하지않았나?



-Oh that's right! Check it out



-What about your old one?

(What about the one you were using?)



-I've tried getting it fixed a couple of times. but for some reason it kept causing problems : 몇번 수리를 맡겨봤는데 무슨이유에서인지 계속 문제가 생기더라고 새거를 살때가 된것같아.


try to  : 하려고 노력하는거 *I've tried to 

try + ing : 뭔가를 해보는거


 kept causing problems = act up : (전자기기)문제일으키는


*get + <무엇> +pp

*I got it fixed. --수리를 받다.

*I have to get some clothes dry-cleaned  ---드라이클리닝을 받다.






-Aren't you gonna get/answer that? : 전화안받아?

-It's okay. Go ahead, answer it  : 괜찮아/맘대로해 어서받아.


-Hello? Could you hold on (for) a second(minute)? : 여보세요? 네 잠시만요.


-I'm sorry i need to take/get this : 통화좀하고올게 

*take는 이미 전화 받은상태에서 상대한테 양해구할때

**I need to make a phone call : 전화를 해야될때.



-Are you close with your uncle?

be close with : (사용빈도 너 높음) 

be close to : 


-(Ever) since my father passed away, he's been calling me time to time/every now and then. : 가끔 전화하셔

*sometimes 는 완료시제랑 잘 안어울림.


-We're not that close, but these days, We talk on the phone once or twice a week. : 요즘은 일주일에 한두번통화해






-말도안돼, 나저렇게 고집 센 사람 처음봐

: no way. I've never seen 1. such a stubborn person.

                                         2.anyone so stubborn. + about ~~~

US [ |stʌbərn ] 스턻번


-나도 저런 사람 처음 봐

: i've never seen anyone like that.

: I don't think i've ever seen anyone like that (추측/ 좀 조심스러운)



-누구랑 얘기만 하는데도 이렇게 힘든건 처음이야

: I've never had such a hard time to just talking to someone.

: I don't think i've even been under so much stress just having a conversation with someone.



1.be stressed

2.get stressed

3.be under stree






-나 이렇게 맛있는 파스타 처음이야

: i've never had pasta 1.this good (before)

                                   2.as good as this

: This is the best pasta I've (ever) had + in years : 몇년만에 먹어본 최고의 파스타였어.

This has to be the best ~~~

This must be ~~~

This has got to be ~~~



-저렇게 많이 먹는 사람 처음봐

: I've never seen anyone eat/drink/sleep/curse(욕)/work so hard so much

                                                               as much as you

:I don't think i've ever...






-나 은행좀 다녀올게. 30분정도 걸려

: I'm on my way to the bank. I'll be back in about half an hour.

*It's gonna take about half an hour



-너 나가는김에 코드 연장선좀 사다줄래?

: While you're out, Could you pick up an extension cord for me?

*while you're out : 나가있는 '상태'에

on your way out. : 가는 길에


pick up : 잠깐 나가서 사오는


-그래 돌아오는길에 슈퍼에 잠깐 들리지

: Sure (I guess) i can stop by/drop by/swing by the supermarket on my way back.



-아그리고 너 그거 사러 간김에 나 필요한거 몇개있는데 사다줄수있어?

: While you're at it. I actually have a few more things i need If you don't mind/if it's not too much trouble.


~를하는 김에/행동 : while you're at it

~를 가는 길에/거기있는동안에 : While you're there ;



-어차피 살 거 있으면 걍 같이가자

: If you have some things to buy, you might as well just come with me/come along/go together.


어짜피 하는거 : might as well.
