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[영어공부 혼자하기][추천 팟캐스트] 4탄 : 브릿센트
난이도 : 3or4 /5 브릿센트는 네이버 팟캐스트,유투브에서 들으실 수 있어요 으 말해뭐해 정말 너무너무 추천하는 팟캐스트이다 그동안 우리는 미국영어만 배워온지라 내가 처음 영국영어를 제대
-How's your week been? : 주말 어땟어?
-it will be televised : tv로 중계될거야
: obvious, without any attempt to be hidden:
1.ADJECTIVE 못마땅함 뻔뻔한 (=shameless)
-echo-chamber effect : Noun 반향실 효과((특정한 정보에 갇혀 새로운 정보를 받아들이지 못하는 현상))
(체임버 라고 발음)
-crack down (on)
: to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way:
to take strong action to stop something: 엄중단속하다
The library is cracking down on people who lose their books.
-Twitter has started flagging up stuff that might be inaccurate, blocking accounts that fake news or have very strong political leaning : 트위터가 가짜뉴스나 정치적인 게시물에 대한 단속에 주의를 기울이기 시작한다.
flag something up
: ~에 관심을 끌다
-distrustful : 불신하는
distrustful of authority : 권위를 불신하는
-it never cross my mind : 그건 내가 생각해본적없어.
-I'm just not very trusting in people in ositions of power :
~에 대해 자신감을 갖다, ~를 신뢰[신임]하다
-intelligence service : 국가정보원,정보기관
-I'm actually unaware of this. What is it? : 나사실 그것에 대해 잘 알지못해
-I want to know if i've been in contact with someone that's had COVID : 난 코비드걸린사람과 접촉이있었다면 알고싶어.
-It could have some repercussions that quite a lot of people are unhappy about. : 많은사람들에게 좋지않은 영향을 줄거야.
Noun (어떤 사건이 초래한, 보통 좋지 못한, 간접적인) 영향 (=consequence)
the effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a bad effect:
*repercussion effect : 파급효과
-macabre :
ADJECTIVE (죽음이나 다른 무서운 것과 관련되어) 섬뜩한[으스스한] (=ghoulish, grisly)
/məˈkɑː.brə/ 발음 특이함.
-grief counselling group : 슬픔을 나누는 상담그룹
-wacky, zany women :
-its described as like warm, introspective, melodic house : 자기성찰적인 멜로디 하우스 같아.
-it's my current anthem : (특정 노래를 맨날들어서) 내 찬송가같은거
a song that has special importance for a particular group of people, an organization, or a country, often sung on a special occasion:
The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies.
개막식과 폐막식에서는 유럽 연합 국가가 연주되었다.
-it's very meditative in itself : 그자체로 매우 명상적이야
-My second highlight is Yon on Netflix, which you must have come across : 너가 들어봤을것같다.
-To be kept in the dark
:to be kept uninformed, to not be told what is going on.
I don't want to be kept in the dark about big decisions.
: to look through someone's belongings or to spy on someone
US∙GB [ snuːp ]
She snooped through her mother's drawers to find her credit card.